A Year After Lockdown – How COVID-19 Has Changed Us


To most people, the past year has probably felt more like a decade. When COVID-19 caused lockdowns worldwide, companies and workers had to adapt if they wanted to get back to work. From face coverings to sanitizing any surface within reach, all of those changes have added both stress and relief as we’ve adapted to a new “norm” as a society.

Face Masks.
Never even our wildest dreams did we think the world would look like this – but it does, and fortunately, face mask manufacturers have stepped up production to make sure they’ve stayed in stock.

From gaiters to face shields to makeshift bandana coverings, workers do what they have to in order to protect themselves and others. In addition to special N95 respirators, reusable face masks, and disposable styles, companies have gotten creative with face covering designs.

Antimicrobial Clothing.
CAT Apparel stepped up to the plate with their awesome Viraloff designs. This brand now features hooded sweatshirts with built-in masks, long sleeve gaiter tees, and traditional gaiters with enhanced protection. What makes these styles so unique is their Viraloff technology that’s an antimicrobial treatment developed to protect the treated article itself against contamination. (This isn’t intended to cure or prevent diseases, so be sure to use proper social distancing and handwashing techniques.)

Sanitizing has become part of our daily routine, so having the right kind of disinfectant involves a little research. Brands like Biosolutions have to keep up with specific standards and regulations to remain effective against microbes. Biosolutions’ detergents have been proven to be effective against Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, which is the cause of COVID-19.

You can use Biosolutions products on a variety of surfaces, and they’re versatile for small to large companies as they sell small pouches, bottles, sprayers, and buddy jugs for larger amounts. Their 5-ounce pouch makes up to 55 gallons of disinfectant, which has been extremely helpful during this pandemic.

Slowdown in Production.
While certain companies have ramped up production, others have taken a drastic hit. Even worse yet, stay-at-home orders and mandated closures forced businesses to close their doors whether they wanted to or not. The economy is slowly reopening, but the pandemic really wreaked havoc on the financial stability of companies worldwide.

Manufacturers faced inventory constraints, and some precautions limited how much some companies could produce. For example, Carhartt put their workers’ health first which limited their production rate at times. They put out a notice about possible shortages to keep customers informed. This is just one of many situations where a brand had to power through changes and uncertainty.

Hand Sanitizer.
It’s almost weird to walk into a building and not immediately see hand sanitizer. We’re even able to acquire it in 5-gallon amounts and more, which is scary but also necessary at times. Antibacterial gels and liquids with 70% alcohol (or higher) have become a normal accessory – you can find hand sanitizer bottles in purses, glove compartments, and displayed nicely throughout office areas. Disinfectant wipes and hands-free dispensers are must-haves at restaurants and hotels, while plastic shields are now a staple in checkout lines to guard cashiers and customers alike.

Moving Forward.
Will things go back to normal? While we don’t know for sure, what we do know is that humans have created new ways to protect themselves and prevent illnesses. In just one (super long) year, we’ve shown exceptional progress and determination.

[Feature photo by Adam Nieścioruk on Unsplash]