High Visibility Gear – Is Yours Up To Date?


Have you ever repaired a highway in the middle night or directed traffic in a rainstorm? Does your job ever put you near moving vehicles or equipment? If so you probably appreciate the importance of high visibility protective clothing. In low lighting or at night, quality gear that makes construction, utility, law enforcement or other workers more visible can mean the difference between life and death.

The American National Standards Institute, Inc. (ANSI) establishes guidelines for consumers and businesses to select and use high visibility safety apparel (HSVA) like shirts, outerwear, vests and accessories in a way that will improve worker visibility. Earlier this year ANSI released its latest HSVA standard – The American National Standard for High Visibility Safety Apparel and Accessories (ANSI/ISEA 107-2015).

You can view the full 107-2015 document here. To help you stay informed, we’ve highlighted several of the key takeaways from the standard below:

Highlights from ANSI 107-2015:

One Comprehensive Standard
To simplify ANSI guideline documents, 107-2015 combines the previously separate, 107-2010 and 207 standards into one comprehensive piece that includes all occupations. The new standard also introduces new type designations and identifies them based on “expected use settings and work activities being performed.” HSVA is now divided by: off-road (type O), roadway and temporary traffic control (type R), or public safety activities (type P).

One size does not fit all
Based on feedback from workers, ANSI made accommodations in 107-2015 for clothes that fit smaller body types. Now the smallest size of a particular item of clothing will require less material. This change takes into consideration that fit and comfort are important factors that help workers wear the proper gear at all times. Now workers can benefit from a better fit without compromising protection.

Accessories now included
cat_hatANSI recognized that more and more workers are using high visibility accessories like arm bands, headwear and gloves on the job. 107-2015 defines minimum material requirements for these items. Now manufacturers can sell high visibility accessories that are labeled as ANSI/ISEA 107-2015 compliant.

Tell it like it is
ANSI added new requirements in 107-2015 for clothing labeling. Now HVSA needs to identify its performance class, type and flame resistance characteristics. Clothing that is not flame resistant must contain a label stating, “This garment is non flame resistant as defined by ANSI/ISEA 107-2015 Section 10.5”.

Visit Workingperson.com to view our full selection of high visibility apparel that is ANSI 107-2015 compliant to keep you protected on the job.