On the Job Mining Deaths at a Record Low

Mine Safety Regulation


The mining industry has made enormous strides in safety this past year.  According to the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), fatality and injury rates in the mining industry were the lowest in history.

The 2012 mining fatality rate was .0107 deaths per 200,000 hours worked and the rate of reported injuries was 2.56 per 200,000 hours worked.  The mining industry had achieved record lows in 2011 and has now successfully shattered those records with lower rates in 2012.

The number of mines in the U.S. has decreased slightly in 2012, but the number of miners actually increased from 381,209 to 387,671.  35 miners died on the job in 2012 which ties the record low number of deaths in mining achieved in 2009.  19 of those fatalities were in coal mining, the second lowest number of fatalities in coal mining ever.  The other 16 deaths occurred in metal and nonmetal mining.

While improvements to mining safety have been immense, it is still important for those working in mines to always be mindful of safety policies and to wear and use appropriate safety apparel and equipment.  To shop for the best in high-quality work wear, visit Working Person’s Store today!