Staying Safe While Riding Your ATV



The days are getting longer and the weather is getting warmer.  Finally, it is time to get ready for some outdoor activities and get rid of that cabin fever for the season.  We’re sure you have a long list of tasks and recreational activities that you’re just itching to embark on and, for many of us, that list includes enjoying your All Terrain Vehicle (ATV).

ATVs can be a great asset to the workplace as well as a fun way to get out and enjoy the outdoors.  They are currently used in several industries such as agriculture, emergency services and land management.  They are cost-efficient as well as versatile which makes them an ideal vehicle both on the job and off.  However, The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has released statistics revealing that ATV injuries are on the rise and ATV accidents are to blame for the deaths of 41 workers in the U.S. in 2010.

At Working Person’s Store, we want to make sure that you can get the most out of your ATV, while still staying safe.  By keeping in mind a few simple safety rules, you can be riding safely in no time!  First, you need to outfit yourself in the proper protective equipment.  Always wear a helmet, gloves, long sleeve shirts, long pants and safety footwear like over-the-ankle boots.  These items and more can be found at Working Person’s Store.

ATVs are meant for off-roading.  Never operate your ATV on paved roads or highways – except to cross them safely.  Stick to designated trails and maintain a safe speed.  Never carry an extra passenger on an ATV or allow a child to use ATV meant for adults.  Always supervise riders that are younger than 16.  Lastly, never operate an ATV under the influence of alcohol of drugs.

ATVs can be a fun way to experience the outdoors when used properly.  To learn more about ATV safety, you can visit or look into a local ATV safety class.