Tecasafe Plus FR Clothing from Workrite

FR Clothing Made From Tecasafe

There are hazards in every workplace, but some hazards are not to be taken lightly. Thermal and flame hazards, even when not primary hazards, can be particularly dangerous and even deadly. If you run the risk of exposure to heat and flame in your workplace, it is important to be in the know when it comes to flame-resistant clothing. How is it tested? How long can it last? How well can it protect your body from heat and flame? When answering these questions, one must look to Workrite, a leader in high-quality, flame-resistant apparel and its new Tecasafe Plus knits.

Workrite Tecasafe Plus clothing is tested to meet flame-resistant standards to protect against thermal hazards, electric arc flash, and flash fire hazards. These flame-resistant knits are designed to be self-extinguishing, reducing the severity and degree of burn in the event of exposure. Many flame-resistant apparel manufacturers only strive to meet the minimum flame-resistant standards and are not tested extensively. Instead of only being tested on a one-time basis in a laboratory, Workrite fire-resistant clothing is tested multiple times over several washings to ensure that their FR clothing exceeds these minimum standards, guaranteeing you a product that you can trust over time.

With the use of top-quality fire-resistant fabrics and materials, precision manufacturing and designs made to enhance functionality, fit and comfort, Workrite has been a leading force in the flame-resistant apparel industry for 40 years. The quality and durability of the Tecasafe Plus products serve to enhance Workrite’s already strong reputation. Fire-resistant workwear can be a bit on the expensive side and washing FR clothing can easily ruin some of them. The flame-resistant protection of Tecasafe Plus knits cannot be destroyed or washed away after several home washings and even after harsher industrial laundering. That is great for both your wallet and the cleanliness of your work clothes. In addition to the strength of the fire-resistant materials, Tecasafe Plus knits offer moisture management thanks to a unique blend of fibers.

Tecasafe Plus knits strive to set the standard for flame-resistant comfort. Not only do they promise safety, Tecasafe Plus knits are designed for a more modern fit. Without compromising comfort or functionality, Tecasafe FR workwear has a casual appearance that can be easily worn off the job. Workrite fire-resistant clothing is available in many different options including jeans, coats, long sleeve shirts, sweatshirt and more. For all your flame-resistant workwear needs visit WorkingPerson.com today!