Black Stallion’s GW101 Extreme Winter Impact Protection Gloves

Winter Gloves


Leave it to Revco Industries, the manufacturer of Black Stallion products, to craft all-encompassing hand protection in its new GW101 work gloves. They are designed with both extreme winter weather comfort and safety at the forefront of the company’s ingenuity in this new work wear product.  You may need to go to work outdoors, but there is no reason to miss out on taking care of your priceless asset – your hands – when you do so.  Whether you are working on wires, cutting down tress, metalworking, industrial tasks, or doing other essential property or barn chores, you will want these new GW101 extreme winter gloves. The new GW101 gloves will ensure you care for those fingers and hands you value, after all what’s more important to your hands than proper glove safety.

The GW101 high-visibility gloves are the ultimate in all the ways that matter, especially regarding impact protection against injury.  Each finger has comprehensive knuckle guards on the back of the hand – protecting you at your most vulnerable points.  These durable guards have notches where the fingers bend, providing maximum flexibility to maintain all the dexterity you’ll need throughout your work day – whatever those hands-on demands may be.

Also Revco Industries smartly designed the interior of these Black Stallion Gloves, so the GW101 has MultiBlendTM insulation for absolute warmth!  The waterproof lining will keep hands dry and a spandex hi-visibility color detail adds that safety feature for your as well as others’ viewing.  It’s an all-around combination of innovation that will protect frigid hands in all manners of outdoor work this winter.

Leave it to a company with more than 30 years of experience in the industrial and welding sectors that has built a reputation testing and modifying quality and safety gear.  Revco Industries, Inc., based in Santa Fe Springs, California, is a leading glove and protective apparel company which designs, develops, and distributes a full range of innovative protective wear through reputable work wear retailers nationwide. For more Revco, Black Stallion or winter work glove needs, remember