National Tradesmen Day


Fun Fact:  Skilled workers keep our country running.

It’s hard to imagine what modern life would look like without tradesmen–like plumbers, electricians, masons and more. At Working Person’s Store, we’re thankful for the hard work that tradesmen do every day. We’re proud to join with organizations across the country in celebrating National Tradesmen Day.

Founded by Irwin Tools in 2011, National Tradesmen Day is celebrated on the third Friday of September. This day is meant to commemorate the men and women who “keep the lights on” and “give us a place to call home.” Tradesmen often work in less than glamorous environments and sometimes dangerous conditions but they still do the tough jobs we need to live, work, learn and play in safe and clean spaces.

Take a moment this week to thank the tradesmen who make your life run smoothly. Irwin Tools offers a helpful list of tips to help you celebrate:

  • Visit your local home improvement or hardware store, and say “thanks” to tradesmen as they make their material and tool purchases for the day’s jobs–you might even pay for their purchases.
  • Do you have family or friends who are tradesmen? Tell them thanks!
  • Do you have a favorite automotive mechanic? Don’t forget to thank him/her.
  • Do you, a spouse or friend work somewhere that has tradesmen on staff? Visit them and say thanks.
  • Do you have kids in school? If so, there’s certainly maintenance staff on site.
  • Do you live in an apartment that has a maintenance person? Don’t forget to thank him/her!
  • Give your favorite tradesmen a social media shout out using #NationalTradesmenDay.

Thank you to all the welders, drywall installers, framers, carpenters and more who keep our country running. Happy National Tradesmen Day!