What are ASTM F903 Safety Standards?


F903 are the standard methods of testing used for chemically resistant workwear. Chemically-resistant workwear can come in various forms but are more commonly seen in footwear, such as rubber boots or rain gear. If you’re a person who works with or around corrosive liquids, or any variety of chemicals, you already understand the necessity for supreme body protection. Areas such as hands, legs, eyes, face and torso should be completely protected.

The ASTM F903 standard test methods are evaluated on finished items and specimens of protective clothing that include coats, boots, gloves, pants, bibs, and coveralls to name a few. Finished items and specimens are particularly important areas for testing as they consist of discontinuous and seamed regions of protective clothing. Of course, normal continuous regions of protective clothing are also tested for their effective barrier shielding abilities.

To make sure you stay safe while around corrosive chemicals, check that the garment you are wearing has been properly tested and meets the regulations and safety standards associated with the chemicals you are working with or the standards that your employer sets. Also, remember just assuming that the workwear you have chosen will properly protect you is a risk that is not worth risking injury. Some products offered by Working Person’s Store to help keep yourself protected while messing with dangerous liquids includes, chemical resistant gloves, chemical resistant boots, chemical resistant jackets or chemical resistant suits, to name a few.

Test specimens of protective clothing are exposed to a variety of chemical and molecular properties. This is done to determine their resistance to visible penetration, which occurs with continuous chemical contact to the outer portion of the clothing. It is important to note that the ASTM F903 standard testing does not apply to the crotch area or the finger tip areas of gloves. This is therefore considered a general failure point.

WorkingPerson.com carries a variety of chemical protection workwear. You can read about the individual protective features of each product by logging on to WorkingPerson.com and simply clicking on an item.