The Best Outdoor Gear For 2013


Winter in the Midwest can act like spring in the Northwest or a Nova Scotia freeze, with a range of temperatures, precipitation, and weather-related opportunities that challenge your winter clothing options and require just the right winter apparel. Whether you are donning work wear or contemplating hiking, sometimes it’s just darn tough to find the right outdoor gear.  Gumption reviewed the best the upcoming winter apparel at the Outdoor Retail Winter Market for 2013 – and there’s plenty of outdoor gear and winter clothing that will help you on your winter workday, athletic quest, or outdoor adventure when new products hit retail outlets in the fall.

Among top picks from the show are a few brands that are featured on This list includes hiking boots from Wolverine Boots, a front-zippered layering option from Terramar Sports, smart technology from Petzle in its new headlamp, and that sometimes forgotten foot comfort element of winter apparel dressing with revamped cushion-style of Darn Tough socks.  Wolverine’s new lightweight Sentinel hiker (20154) offers the expected qualities of Wolverine Boots, like the acclaimed Fulcrum Boots (20147) for example, recognized for top-grain leather and Gore-Tex lining for a completely waterproof piece of hiking gear.

And who would want anything but the safety and ease of a waterproof headlamp from Petzle when working in the dark?  While the Petzle lamp with the automatic light sensor hasn’t shipped from France yet, the current Petzle light available at has three brightness levels, a strobe, and many other features. And while features of Terramar layering pieces keep improving, from lightweight to the newest extreme cold-weather protection, there are selections from to add under any number of other work gear or winter apparel you already have.  The new, as well as existing shirts and layering pieces from Terramar, offer anti-bacterial protection to keep odor away, not to mention Terramar’s Quik-Dri technology that wicks moisture away from your body by moving it to the fabric’s outer layer – this “thermoregulation” keeps you dry.

It’s darn tough to miss a perfect pair of socks that also wick for every winter apparel demand when has the largest online selection of Darn Tough products.  Darn Tough socks offer merino wool, so the fabric is soft, not itchy, with just the right combination of breathable nylon for anti-abrasion wearability, and Lycra for stretch and fit around calves, ankles, heels.  Darn Tough socks are critical outdoor gear that works for you with custom-cushioned design and a soft-comfort – whether it’s Darn Tough full cushion socks for hunting or Light Cushion Socks for hiking, there’s a specialty sock that will critically help you weather it out with warm feet and toes.