ASTM F2413-11: What Does It Mean For Your Safety?


Why should you wear safety work shoes?

When you’re on the job site, the goal is to efficiently do your tasks to meet the quality & deadlines that are set for you. You’ve already got so much to do that you don’t have much time to think about your safety workwear & footwear. In all the hustle & bustle of workplace activities, you may face risks of foot fracture, bruising, etc., especially the toe area. If you were to fall down while power-walking to the next task or if you accidentally kick or drop something, your toes may literally be in a world of hurt.

Steel safety toe work boots can help.

While rushing to get done the routine workplace works, you won’t have time to think or guess if your steel toe boots are made with a good safety toe protective cap or not. Daily, you’re just at the mercy of your safety footwear and hope that they’ll keep you safe from any foot or toe fractures.

Don’t compromise your safety! Be prepared ahead of time by choosing the right gear. Your safety footwear or steel toe boots or shoes must meet some specific footwear safety standards in order to keep you unharmed in the workplace. If any mishap occurs & any heavy object falls on your feet, then the most likely outcome will be a toe injury. Certainly, a person working on daily wages or a hard working needy worker in this era of inflation cannot afford such a disastrous accident. In order to save yourself from any serious injury & potential emergencies, protect your feet (especially your toes!) with good steel toe boots.

What is the ASTM F2413-11 safety standard?

Choose a good pair of steel safety toe shoes by knowing whether they meet the safety standards. One of the footwear safety standards is the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) ASTM F2413–11 safety standard for toecap footwear. It gives an idea about the standard performance requirements for protective toecap footwear. This safety standard makes you aware of all the specifications that you should look for in your safety steel toe boots, so you can protect yourself against a number of workplace risks that can cause you a serious harm. Footwear that utterly conforms to this safety standard should meet & possess the following performance requirements:

  • Impact resistance or shock-proofing for the toe area of footwear
  • Compression resistance for the toe area of footwear
  • Metatarsal protection in order to reduce the risk of any injury to the metatarsal bones at the top of the foot
  • Conductive properties, which could minimize the hazards that may result from static electricity buildup & reduce the risk of ignition of any explosive materials as well as volatile chemicals
  • Electric shock resistance in case you accidentally step on a live wire
  • Static dissipative properties (SD) to reduce hazards due to excessively low footwear electrical resistance that may exist where SD footwear is required
  • Puncture resistance of footwear bottoms, so any broken glass or pin cannot penetrate near the foot area
  • Chain saw cut resistance and dielectric insulation

Working Person’s store offers awesome steel toe shoes that conform to the ASTM F2413–11 safety standard in all of its specifications. Enjoy your job with all your energy & mind focused on the work, knowing your feet have the ultimate safety toe protection.