Labor Day Shirts


Since 1882, the United States has celebrated Labor Day. This national holiday is a celebration of the social and economic achievements of American workers.

Your contributions add strength and well-being to this country, and Labor Day is an opportunity to recognize your efforts. This country thrives because of people like you!

When you take a little time off to enjoy life outside of work, make sure you’re comfortable and stylish.

Working Person’s Store can help! Check out our 2020 Patriotic men’s shirt and this women’s WPS 2020 tee that feature an original skully graphic with classic red, white, and blue to proudly represent Old Glory.

The short sleeve, solid white design is built to keep you cool no matter where you go. Picnics, boat rides, and cookouts are some of our favorite holiday activities!

We like to think Labor Day is celebrated on a Monday every year because well…nobody likes Mondays. We hope you enjoyed the long weekend and had time to sit back and relax while reflecting on all of your career accomplishments.

As always, Working Person’s Store is here to provide excellent workwear and footwear options to meet your job site requirements.