Methods for Waterproofing Boots


Nothing is worse than working all day with wet shoes. So, when spending money on a brand new pair of boots, it is important to protect them by correctly waterproofing.

Why should you care about waterproofing your boots? It is quite simple. Boots range in price, but can be very expensive and your hard-earned money might as well be sent down the drain if you don’t take the time to take care for your new investment.

Most boots are made from leather, which is animal hide. This hide is made of tiny fibrous structures, which account for leather’s long-lasting durability and strength. If those tiny fibrous structures are damaged by moisture or chemicals, the leather will dry out, crack and end the life of your boots.

To prevent the breakdown of your boots, you must properly waterproof and condition them.There are a few different methods you can use to make sure they stay nice and dry while keeping the leather moist so it won’t dry out.

The most basic waterproofing method starts with a conditioner, cream or paste that is applied directly to the leather. These products can range from all natural to synthetic. There is an ongoing debate about which product is the best, so it might be best for you to try them out and see which one you like best.

Waxed-based polishes are made with all-natural products that are designed to create a shine on the leather while giving it a thin layer of protection from water and chemicals. They do not nourish the leather. These products tend to need to be reapplied every few wears.

Conditioner or paste products are usually applied less frequently and help treat and moisturize the leather. They provide a thick protective layer on the boot for many different conditions.  Made of a combination of silicones and waxes, conditioners and pastes allow for maximum waterproofing and conditioning while maintaining breathability of the leather.

If you want an easy way to waterproof without messy creams or pastes, waterproofing spray may be the solution for you. Many sprays contain a high level of silicone but no natural oils. So, when applying you must condition the leather with oil before spraying. Many sprays only act as a shield of protection and should be reapplied every couple of wears.

Another alternative to conditioners and pastes is using conditioning oil, such as Obenauf’s conditioning oil. Oils are applied to make the leather conditioned and moisturized and can help repel water. The only down side to using oil is it may darker the color of your boot.

There are plenty of options when waterproofing your new boots; it just depends on your own preferences. It may take a couple of different products until you find the one that fits your needs best. Don’t get discouraged though, no matter what method you chose you will help to protect your boots and your new investment.

If you find waterproofing your boots is not a good enough fix because the soles have started to separate from the boots, follow these simple sole repair steps to see if that does the trick. After all, you should do anything you can to take care of your boots properly. Like we said before, investing in your boots is not always a cheep thing.