Working Person’s Store: Connecting With You Through Social Media

Working Person's Store Social Media Efforts


It’s a small world we live in, and thanks to social media, it’s smaller than ever before. That’s because it’s more connected. Which also makes the world faster. Like, waaaaay faster. The fact that you’re reading this article right now, on this website, on this thing called the Internet, shows that you already know this and you’ve already adapted to this changing world. Here at Working Person’s Store, we want to make social media work for you, so that you have the knowledge and tools to make the work you do smarter, easier, and more efficient and profitable.

That’s why the Working Person’s Store has such a broad and in-depth presence on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Flickr, and several of our own blogs which each serve different purposes. We see these platforms as an opportunity to better serve our customers. We use Facebook, Twitter and Google+ to get the word out about promotions, discounts, and new product information. If there’s a sale coming, we’ll let you know on these sites. Same for new products and promotions.

To get connected and take advantage of this service, you can like, follow, or subscribe to our pages. You can find us on Facebook. We have two Twitter accounts, one is for Working Person’s Store and the other is for Working Person’s Store’s Business Team. You can add us to your Google+ Circles or check out our Flickr page. If you are not familiar with Flicker, it s a stream of photos we post, which display new products.

We also have several blogs, which we update on a regular basis (including the one you’re reading right now)! is a destination site for information we want you, our customers, to have and use. On this site, we post information about new products, we give advice about rules and regulations, compliance with OSHA and other standards, and much, much more. Our CEO, Eric Deniger, is also actively involved with his blog,, which is a destination for those actively looking to grow and build successful businesses, and for time-tested philosophies and advice. We also actively maintain, which is where we put our most current edition of our catalog on the web for an interactive experience. And it links back to, which is the home for our store.

Through our presence online and in social media, we’ve made it easier than ever before for our customers to find and purchase the products they need. These websites connect you directly with our team members, so that when a new product, promotion or discount hits, you’ll be the first to know.